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Anteaters are commonly known for eating ants and
termites. The name "anteater" is also
colloquially applied to the unrelated aardvark,
numbat, echidna and pangolin.
It´s food consists mainly of termites, which
it obtains by opening nests with its powerful sharp
anterior (front) claws. As the insects swarm to
the damaged part of their dwelling, it draws them
into its mouth by means of its long, flexible, rapidly
moving tongue covered with sticky saliva. Their
tongue can be flicked up to 150-160 times or more
per minute. A full-grown giant Anteater eats upwards
of 30,000 ants and termites a day. They also have
small spikes on their tongue that help keep the
ants and other insects on the tongue while they
get swept into the anteaters mouth... |

