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In current usage, the word "freak" is
commonly used to refer to a person with something
unusual about their appearance or behaviour. This
usage dates from the so-called freak scene of the
1960s and 1970s. "Freak" in this sense
may be used either as a pejorative, a term of admiration,
or a self-description[citation needed]. It can also
denote a strong obsession with a particular activity,
e.g., "He's such a neat-freak" or "You're
a singing freak". The term "freaky"
can also apply to a person who is sexually adventurous,
or by itself as in "that person's a freak"
(in bed). As an extension of this definition, within
pornography, the word can refer to someone who is
viewed as being a particularly extreme sex addict,
or for whom sex is a central focus of their lives...

