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very scary tree swing in Ecuador near an active
stratovolcano. |
A tree house (La Casa del Arbol) located near an
active stratovolcano, the Tungurahua volcano, in
the Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador probably have
the most scary tree swing in the world.
Volcanic activity restarted on August 19, 1999,
and is ongoing as of 2012, with major eruptions
on 16 August 2006, 6 February 2008, 28 May 2010,
4 December 2010 and 26 April 2011, and again in
March 2013.
Tungurahua (5,023 m) is located in the Cordillera
Oriental of the Andes of central Ecuador, 140 kilometres
(87 mi) south of the capital Quito. Nearby notable
mountains are Chimborazo (6,267 m) and El Altar
(5,319 m). It rises above the small thermal springs
town of Baños de Agua Santa (1,800 m) which
is located at its foot 8 km to the north. Other
nearby towns are Ambato (30 km to the northwest)
and Riobamba (30 km to the southwest). Tungurahua
is part of the Sangay National Park...
See also: Scary

