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A slaughterhouse, also called an abattoir (French,
ultimately from the verb abattre which means "to
strike down"), is a facility where farm animals
are killed and processed into meat products. The
animals most commonly slaughtered for food are cows
(for beef and veal), sheep (for lamb and mutton),
pigs (for pork), fowl (for poultry), and horses
(for horsemeat).
The design, process, and location of slaughterhouses
respond to a variety of concerns. Slaughtering animals
on a large scale poses significant logistical problems
and public health concerns. Most religions stipulate
certain conditions for the slaughter of animals.
Public aversion to meat packing, in many cultures,
influences the location and practices of slaughterhouses.
More recently, animal rights groups have levelled
ethical charges at slaughterhouses... |

