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A HangBoard is a device used in the snow sport of hangboarding. |
Credtis: hangboard.ca
HangBoard pilots ride the ski lifts and descend
the mountains like skiers and snowboarders. When
loading onto a ski lift, the chair catches the upper
part of the HangBoard, which then rests on the seat
beside the pilot. A tether ensures the board cannot
escape the lift. When departing the lift, the pilot
holds onto the HangBoard's upper frame.
HangBoards are the perfect cross trainer for skiing
and snowboarding. Each of these develop the lower
part of the body, while HangBoarding develops the
upper body. By adding HangBoarding to your winter
sports regimen, you get more complete body conditioning.
HangBoard development began in 2001, invented by
Canadian Don Arney. Others involved in the development
process were Canadian designer Peter Brooke and
American designer Charles Buchwald, and Canadian
snowboard and mountain biking champion Everest MacDonald... |

