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Steven Kutcher, of 63 years, is an artist from Los
Angeles that paints using insects. spiders, flies,
bees, butterflies, crickets and cockroaches are
some of the insects that this artist uses to elaborate
his works, although in fact the paintings are done
by the insects and not by him.
Credits: bugartbysteven.com
Insects possess segmented bodies supported by an
exoskeleton, a hard outer covering made mostly of
chitin. The segments of the body are organized into
three regions, or tagmata; a head, a thorax, and
an abdomen. The head supports a pair of sensory
antennae, a pair of compound eyes, one to three
simple eyes ("ocelli") and three sets
of variously modified appendages that form the mouthparts.
The thorax has six legs (one pair each for the prothorax,
mesothorax and the metathorax segments making up
the thorax) and two or four wings (if present in
the species). The abdomen (made up of eleven segments
some of which may be reduced or fused) has most
of the digestive, respiratory, excretory and reproductive
internal structures... |