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Nails grow at an average rate of 3 millimetres a
month. Fingernails require 3 to 6 months to regrow
completely. Toenails require 12 to 18 months. Actual
growth rate is dependent upon age, season, exercise
level, and hereditary factors. Contrary to popular
belief, nails do not continue to grow after death;
the skin dehydrates and tightens, making the nails
(and hair) appear to grow.
This growth record can show the history of recent
health and physiological imbalances, and has been
used as a diagnostic tool since ancient times. Major
illness will cause a deep groove to form across
the nails. Discoloration, thinning, thickening,
brittleness, splitting, grooves, Mees' lines, small
white spots, receded lunula, clubbing (convex),
flatness, spooning (concave) can indicate illness
in other areas of the body, nutrient deficiencies,
drug reaction or poisoning, or merely local injury.
Nails can also become thickened (onychogryphosis),
loosened (onycholysis), infected with fungus (onychomycosis)
or degenerative (onychodystrophy); for further information
see nail diseases... |

