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Insects are the most diverse group of animals on
the planet. There are approximately 2,200 species
of praying mantis, 5,000 dragonfly, 20,000 grasshopper,
82,000 true bug, 120,000 fly, 110,000 bee, wasp
ant and sawfly, 170,000 butterfly and moth, and
360,000 beetle species described to date. Estimates
of the total number of current species, including
those not yet known to science, range from two million
to fifty million, with newer studies favouring a
lower figure of about six to ten million. With over
a million described species more than half of all
known living organisms with estimates of undescribed
species as high as 30 million, insects potentially
represent over 90% of the differing life forms on
the planet. They are most diverse at the equator
and their diversity declines toward the poles. Insects
may be found in nearly all environments on the planet,
although only a small number of species occur in
the oceans, a habitat dominated by another arthropod
group, the crustaceans... |