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Animals that would thrive on a diet. |
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body
fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have
an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced
life expectancy. Body mass index (BMI), which compares
weight and height, is used to define a person as
overweight (pre-obese) when their BMI is between
25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2 and obese when it is greater
than 30 kg/m2.
A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment
or a household animal, as opposed to livestock,
laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals,
which are kept for economic reasons. The most popular
pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics,
for their attractive appearance, or for their song.
Pets also generally seem to provide their owners
with non-trivial health benefits; keeping pets has
been shown to help relieve stress to those who like
having animals around. There is now a medically-approved
class of "therapy animals," mostly dogs,
who are brought to visit confined humans. Walking
a dog can provide both the owner and the dog with
exercise, fresh air, and social interaction... |