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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)! |
BaraSkit.se have any high-res images?
No. What you see is what you get. All images are 464 px
What is this place? Where are the photos
If it´s not mentionend on this site, we simply don´t
know. We try our best to find out anything possible regarding
the pictures before posting them on to our website. Unfortunately
we usually don´t succeed that well, therefore we
encourage our visitors to contact
us with information about original sources and whereabouts.
Where does BaraSkit find their content/images?
Images on this website have been gathered from the internet,
from free sites, via e-mail from our visitors, and are
believed to be in the "public domain". If you
are the rightful owner of any of the items posted here,
please send us an e-mail
(with some kind of proof), and it will be removed or credited
immediately. Read our disclaimer.
Can I have your images on my website/blog?
We don´t encourage anyone to copy any of the images
found at this website! Most of the images on this website
have been gathered from the internet, from free sites,
via e-mail from our visitors, and are believed to be in
the "public domain". Read our disclaimer.
Please note that in some cases the rightful owner has
given us permission to post their images on our website.
If this is the case, you are strictly forbidden to copy,
post or publish them elsewhere.
Is this site safe for work?
YES, this site is safe for work! We do not have any nude
or violent pictures. (However, be careful if you're working
in ultra prude environment.)
What does BaraSkit stand for?
BaraSkit is swedish. "Bara" means Only/Just
and "Skit" stands for Crap/Shit. The direct
translation of BaraSkit would therefore be JustCrap or
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
We dont know!
What are the chances that a whale could
live in the desert?
Zero. Trust us on this one!
Why did you create this site?
Same reason you're on it.